Para máis detalles sobre como ingresar nos códigos de trampas Fallout 3, consulte a páxina principal de trampas de Fallout 3 PC. Eventually, I ended up getting enough stock to trade. Os seguintes códigos úsanse co código de trampas player.additem para Fallout 3. Pretty soon enough I found myself picking peoples pockets here and there. Trucos de Fallout 3 - PC - Fallout 3 Engadir códigos de elementos - Armadura Códigos de armadura de Fallout 3 Player.Armour Engadir códigos de elemento para Fallout 3 na computadora persoal (PC). I wanted the real deal (or at least as close to it as one could get). And while the Field Scribe Outfit is clearly meant to be interpreted as its spiritual successor, that's not good enough for me. For example, to add one of Combat Shotgun in perfect condition, you would type: The Roving Trader Outfit is my all-time favorite outfit from Fallout 3 / New Vegas. To add them to your inventory, open the command console ( ~) and type player.additem followed by the item code, the quantity you want, and the condition you want it in. These are the known codes for the various weapons that can be found and equipped in Fallout 3. Player.additem 00020420 1 100 ARMOR ITEM CODES For example, to add one set of Combat Armor in perfect condition, you would type: To add them to your inventory, open the command console ( ~) and type player.additem followed by the item code, the quantity you want and the condition you want it in. These are the known codes for the various armors that can be found and equipped in Fallout 3.